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Ditya Garin Maharani
Hai, semua penggemar kucing !!! mari simak 43 keunikan dari kucing ^_^
Kucing gak selalu jadi hewan yang menakutkan hlo, malah kucing itu hewan yang sangat lucu, penyayang, bahkan penghibur disaat galau hlooo guys !!! :D misalnya kita kasih dia mainan tali yang kita goyangkan seperti penari balet itu …pasti dia mengikuti gerakan tali itu kemanapun arahnya, seolah-olah kita menggoda si kucing untuk bermain :D ataupun menggunakan bola-bola kecil dia akan bermain seperti bermain sepak bola hloo hahaa…. gimana gak lucu kan si kucing unyu ini :D dan setahuku juga kucing merupakan peliharaan Nabi Muhammad SAW hlo guys…subhanallah !!! ^o^
sumber : http://popopetshop.wordpress.com/kucing/info-kucing/43-fakta-unik-tentang-kucing/
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Ditya Garin Maharani
Serves four to six
Serves four to six
Obtain good quality bar chocolate. Companies such as Scharffen Berger, Green & Black's, Perugina, Ghirardelli, and Guittard all make excellent chocolate bars. For white chocolate lovers, Perugina is an excellent choice.
Prepare the chocolate. Using a sharp knife (serrated knives well for this task), chop the chocolate into chunks. The finer the chop, the quicker the chocolate will melt.
Melt the chocolate. In a 2-quart saucepan over medium-low heat, melt the chocolate with 1 cup (250ml) milk, stirring constantly, until the chocolate is fully melted.
Add flavorings. Salt, liqueurs, spices, and other flavorings can be added now. To increase their flavor presence in the hot chocolate, they will need the opportunity to steep for a longer period of time. However, if you want a subtler, less pronounced flavor, hold off for now.
Increase the heat to medium. Add the remainder of the milk, whisking continuously. If you notice black flecks floating on the surface, don't worry: these flecks are bits of unmelted chocolate, and will disappear as your delicious beverage heats up.
Enjoy your hot chocolate. Served in small cups or large mugs, or garnished with whatever you wish, such as mint leaves, cinnamon sticks, or whipped cream, it's going to be delicious! You can also add a kick to your cocoa with a shot of whiskey, rum, brandy, or peppermint schnapps.
Start with good cocoa. The difference between cocoa and chocolate is that chocolate includes the fatty part of the cocoa seeds, known as cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is what's left when the cocoa butter is extracted.[2] There is a noticeable difference in flavor, but a steaming cup of hot cocoa can be just as enticing, especially if you don't have a bar of chocolate handy!
Combine cocoa powder, sugar, and salt. In a 2-quart sauce pan, whisk together the cocoa and sugar until blended. Add the water, and whisk until combined.
Cook over medium heat. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Stop stirring, reduce the heat to medium low, and let the mixture boil for 2 minutes.
Add milk. Slowly add in the milk, stirring to blend. Heat the cocoa until it's very hot, but do not allow it to boil.
Serve it up! Pour the cocoa into a cup or a mug.
Garnish as desired, and top with a dollop of whipped cream or marshmallows.
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Ditya Garin Maharani
(Agnes Monica Feat Christian Chavez)
Christian Chavez:
Disfrazando con un beso este vacío que se siente.
Ocultando en el silencio otra mañana indiferente.
Cada uno caminando en sentido contrario al corazón.
Te extraño, amor
Agnes Monica :
Pejamkan mataku dan kurasakan saat itu
Masih teringat rasa yang kita punya sejak dulu
Namun ini langkahmu dan ini maumu
Kamu jauh dariku
Chorus (Christian Chavez and Agnes Monica):
Que se moría por una mirada,
Que entre tus brazos solo suspiraba,
Que le bastaba como una caricia
Para curarlo de cualquier herida.
Que nos faltaba para enamorarnos?
Convencidos en nos separarnos.
Tú y yo jurabamos y nos creía
Que tanto amor hasta nos sobraría.
En dónde estás? En dónde estoy? si te quería
And the time has passed us by
There's no more words to say
We forget to love each other
This is all we ever had
Where did you go
But I Still Love You
Agnes Monica and Christian take turn singing this part :
Where Did you go (Where did you go)
And where I Am (where am I)
But I Still love you
Kau di mana (En dónde estás?)
En dónde estoy (En dónde estoy)
But I Still Love You
En Donde Estas…….
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Ditya Garin Maharani
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